This is a summary after the first quake on April 25th 2015 (the Gorkha Quake) following the second quake on May 12th- 2015
While the school building of St. Joseph's withstood the initial quakes and the subsequent 4000 aftershocks,
95% percent of the village of Goldhunga and surrounding houses were either completely destroyed or sustained structural damage. 31 people were killed in the village from the quake, and many suffered physical and emotional injuries. Many were sleeping in open fields, makeshift shelters, and even in animal pens and shelters.
St. Joseph’s school and its staff and students became the main relief center for the village. Here is what we have been able to do so far, to help:
這是在4月25日首次地震後,隨後又在5月12日發生第二次的主震,直到現在所做的概述。聖約瑟夫學校的建造承受首次的地震以及爾後約4000多次的餘震, Goldhunga村的百分之95%和周圍的房屋不是被完全破壞或就是遭到結構性破壞。該村有31人在地震中喪生,許多人遭受到身體和情感上的傷害。許多人被迫睡在空曠的原野,臨時庇護所,甚至睡在動物圈舍內。
April- Blankets and school materials distributed in Makwanpur and Gorkha on motorcycle (20 days prior to the quake of April 25) 四月: 騎摩托車分發棉被跟學校的物資在 (四月25日的地震20天之前) PHASE 1 April 1st -The purchase of a used mini van for St. Joseph's, which also helped to transport relief supplies to the village of Goldhunga. (Though this was bought 3 weeks prior to the quake of April 25th to help with transport of the children to school, it then became the main relief vehicle to transport rice and goods to the village, after the quake.) 4月1日 –替聖約瑟夫購買二手小車,同時也幫助運送救災物資到Goldhunga村。 (雖然是是在4月25日大地震前購買來幫助孩子們上學的交通工具,才買了3個星期,在地震後,它成為主要的救援車輛運送米和物品到村落)。 April 25th Major quake hits 7.8 on the Richter scale killing over 9000 and injuring 23,000 4月25日 7.8級的主震造成有超過9000人喪生,23,000人受傷。 PHASE 2 April 26th-Immediate emergency funds were sent to St. Joseph’s to help with basic food and medical needs. 4月26日-立即緊急的資金被送到聖約瑟夫,以幫助基本的食物和醫療需求。 PHASE 3 May 11th - Over a 180 kilos (400 lbs.) of brand new children’s clothing, shoes, rain gear and tent material donated for free were flown in. All the overweight was donated without charge from the airlines. 5月11日 –超過了180公斤(400磅)全新的童裝,鞋類,雨具,並捐贈了免費的篷材料(400磅)以空運過來,所有超重的捐贈品航空公司並不收取任何運費。 May 12th Another major quake hits 7.3 on the Richter scale killing over 117 and injuring 2500 5月12日-另一個規模7.3級的主震使117人上喪生,2500人受傷。 May 15th - A medical team center for CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) brought a team of their medical doctors, and a film crew, to St Joseph’s where the villagers came for treatment. The doctors came from India, Israel, Thailand. Indonesia, USA and Singapore. 5月15日 -醫療隊中心,CBN(基督教廣播網)帶來了一組醫生團隊和一組攝影隊,可讓村民前來聖約瑟夫就診。醫生有來自印度,以色列,美國和新加坡。. May 16th-Relief supplies brought to Gorkha PHASE 3 June 1st – Construction begins of twelve temporary class room shelters , were bought and paid for , then set up to accommodate over 330 students ( an increase from the original 260), thus helping to resume a "normal" school routine, and provide a more stable environment for the children during the many aftershocks. The school building passed government safety measures but parents and teachers were apprehensive to use the building with the constant aftershocks) Time was of essence as the Monsoon season would begin bringing drenching rains and hampering any relief and building efforts. Construction and labor costs were cut to a minimal as students, teachers and parents all participated in helping to clear the land, salvage and lay brick and provide the manpower to help transport the construction materials. 6月1日 –由我們付費開始蓋十二個臨時教室避難所,可容納超過330位名學生(比原先260位增加),俾能幫助恢復“正常”學校的例行工作,並提供更安穩的環境,使孩子們能夠在許多餘震中安然渡過 (學校建築已通過政府的安全措施,但家長和老師們擔心不斷的餘震是否會影響到建築的使用)。 由於季節性降雨的因素,傾盆的雨水阻礙了救濟和建設的進度,使學生們可使用的費用被限縮到最少,老師和家長們都參加了幫助地面的清理,拾起倒塌但仍可用的磚塊,並提供人力來協助運送建築材料。 PHASE 4 July 27th 3rd trip from Taiwan to Nepal consisting of 3 student volunteers and 1 teacher . We were able to bring in over 200 kilos (440 lbs.) of brand new donated rain boots, shoes, down jackets, and school materials. All the overweight was donated again by the airlines. The student volunteers gained valuable input and training as they participated in school programs consisting of: teaching children Mandarin (Chinese), classes on good morals, Bible classes, face painting, balloon sculpting, and games. They learned about the Nepali culture and interacted with the both the teachers and children. The Nepali Government encouraged such activities to help alleviate the stress and fear that impacted the country in particular the children before resuming their normal schooling routines. Hands on training and witnessing classes were given to the volunteers. They also went out distributing Gospel tracts and praying, and leading people to Christ in some of the hardest hit areas of Kathmandu. They led 14 people to Christ, the first for some. 7月27日- 第三次從台灣來到尼泊爾,團隊中包括3位學生志工及1名老師。我們所能帶來的是超過200公斤由善心人士捐贈的全新雨鞋、鞋子、夾克,和學校的交學用品(440磅)。所有超重的運費由航空公司再次自行吸收。 學生志工們由於參與學校的課程,包括教導孩子學習中文,良好的品德、查經班、畫臉,氣球雕塑和遊戲等而獲得了寶貴的經驗和訓練,也讓他們了解了到文化以及老師和孩子之間的互動。 同時也培訓志工以及對基督的見證課程。他們外出分發福音單張替人們禱告,帶領在加德滿都遭到重擊的一些人對基督的認識。 PHASE 5 August 10th We collaborated with doctors and dentists from Taiwan. Members included the Taiwan Health CO-OP, The Yang Ming University & the Taipei Veteran’s General hospital. This will be their 4th year helping us providing free medical and dental checkups, and teaching healthcare classes for the students. 8月10日- 我們並與台灣醫生和牙醫共同合作,成員包括台灣衛生CO-OP團隊、陽明大學及在台北榮民總醫院。這是他們第4年的幫助 我們提供免費的醫療和牙科檢查,並教導醫療教學班的學生。 PHASE 6 In November we made our 4th and last relief trip for 2015 to the earthquake stricken country of Nepal. My daughter and a friend and his daughter from the USA joined us. We brought over 90 kilos of needed goods and items. The footage was filmed and edited by Mr. Joe Lain of Rooftop Studio Productions. And finally, miracles of healing have happened everywhere, and lots and lots of encouragement, counseling, and consoling given, and many people coming to see the love of Jesus. Over 53 recorded healings! 最後,康復的奇蹟都已出現在各處,來自各界的很多很多的鼓勵,輔導和給予安慰,讓許多人來見證耶穌的愛! Free monthly tuition has been provided on a monthly basis from sponsors and donors (April-December) so the children have a place to attend school, giving the parents time to rebuild their homes the best they can as they have received very little government assistance. The total monthly cost: $2,230 USD per month (or $7.7 USD per child.) . We received approximately $40,000 USD from different donors and sponsors. 來自贊助者和捐贈者(4 - 12月)以月為基礎提供免費的學費讓孩子有地方上學,讓孩子的父母親有時間盡全力來重建家園,但是他們能夠從政府所獲得的援助卻是少之又少。每月的總費用:$2,230美元,每月(或每名兒童$7.7美元)。我們在過去3個月已收到了來自不同的捐贈人和贊助人所捐的約$40,000美元之款項)。 In short, we have seen great progress in 8 ½ months and success in reaching the Nepal people in our part of the world with God’s love and message. Thank you for all of you who had a part. Great is your reward in Heaven! 簡言之,在這8個半月,我們已經看到成就,讓做為世界一部份的尼泊爾可與我們分享上帝的愛及上帝所傳達的信息,並謝謝各位能參與於我們的工作 Please see our website for details on how you can help! 請幫助我們為孩子籌集所需的金錢。請上我們的網站了解您要如何來幫助我們! |
Blankets and school materials distributed 騎摩托車分發棉被跟學校的物資在
Mini van for relief work 救災的廂型車
Earthquake (Gorkha Quake) 地震
Immediate Emergency Assistance 立刻緊急援助
12 May 2015 Earthquake 五月12日 2015年 地震
CBN Medical Team CBN 醫療團隊
Relief Work to Gorkha 救災 Gorkha
Earthquake Classroom Shelters
地震教室庇護所 Monsoon Rains in Classrooms
季風雨在教室內 Student Volunteers from Taiwan
台灣學生志工 Doctors from Taiwan
台灣的醫生 Volunteers from Taiwan
台灣學生志工 Healing stories
按這裡 治癒故事 How to help
如何幫忙 Donation Info
捐贈訊息 |