Saint Joseph’s Has Reopened- In February 2020, Saint Joseph's School was officially opened, after being under construction for 18 months. Our work with children started in 2002, in a farmer's house, with only 44 students. With time it grew to over 485 children of all ages. The staff went from a few dedicated teachers to a fulltime staff of 32. One month after opening, the school shut down due to COVID-19. Thankfully, the school started conducting online classes in May , and in December 2020 the school opened again for in-person classes. Ours is one of the few schools given permission by the Nepali Government to open. The school has become one of the biggest local constructions. what's more, it offers opportunities for kids to receive an education, which is a serious problem Nepalis have to face nowadays. 聖約瑟開學了 經過18個月的興建,聖約瑟學校新校舍於2020年二月份正式啟用。我們自從2002年就開始從事幫助該校學童的工作,從一間農舍、44位學生開始,隨著時間過去,學生人數成長超過485位,涵蓋各年齡層的孩童。從原本幾位熱忱的老師,到現在已有32位全職老師。 但是學校正式啟用一個月後,就因為新冠疫情暫時關閉。感恩的是,學校在五月份引進線上教學;在十二月解封後,聖約瑟重新開學,學生再次回到學校上課。聖約瑟是尼泊爾少數幾間,政府許可在疫情期間重新開放的學校之一。 這所學校已經成為村裡最大的建築之一,更重要的是,它為孩子們提供接受教育的機會,而無法接受良好的教育,是當地人面臨的日益嚴重的問題。 我們的基督信仰和標準,是學校生存和成功的主要原因。我們非常感謝台灣熱心人士的大力贊助,才能達到今日的進展,上帝祝福那些使他人生活美好的人,相信不但可使自己的生活美好,而且上帝要給他們的賞賜是大的!
The Beginning and Building of St. Joseph's school
About the land:
Total size of the area: 19,512 square meters =19,512 x 0.3025 Ping=5,902.38 Ping
Total size of the area: 19,512 square meters =19,512 x 0.3025 Ping=5,902.38 Ping