School of Power and Love
Healing on the Streets of Tokyo-Japan
In May 2018, I flew to Japan to attend a healing conference called the "School of Power and Love" with Todd White , Robby Dawkins, and Tom Ruotolo.
I took several attendees onto the streets of Tokyo to teach how to heal the sick and tell others about Jesus. Christians only make up 1 percent of the population of Japan, and they are dedicated, sincere, and love the Lord, but lack "hands on" training on how to heal and win souls. Since I have had some training and seen results, I was asked to take new folks out to experience healing first hand. We saw 21 souls, 11 healings, with many others feeling the manifestation of the Holy Spirit through warmth and heat in their bodies. A Tokyo policeman was one of them. Though he would not take the tract I offered him, he did pray and receive the Lord and those watching learned that all God's children need Jesus. My photo made it a Christian Newspaper as we hit the streets. |
我去日本參加一個名稱為「能力與愛的學校」(School of Power and Love)的醫治特會。會後我們組隊到東京的街道上,告訴他人關於耶穌的福音,並為他們禱告,醫治病人。我們做見證的結果有21個人接受相信了耶穌,11個人得到醫治,還有許多人感受到聖靈的感動和熱流通過他們的身體。 這位員警雖未能接下我們要給他的單張,但讓我們為他祈禱,並與我們一起禱告,並接受了耶穌!在一旁觀看的人都了解學習到所有上帝的兒女都需要耶穌! Power and Love という癒しに関するイベントでは、トッドホワイト、ロビードーキンスがゲストできていました。そのあとで、東京の街で、人を癒し、イエスキリストを伝えるために、参加者を連れて歩きました。 日本のクリスチャンは1%と言われており、誠実に仕え、神様を愛していますが、実際に人を癒したり、魂を勝ち取るための訓練が欠けていました。 私は経験があり、たくさんの結果も見てきたので、新しい人を連れ出して癒しを共に行いました。21の魂が救われ、11人が癒され、他にもたくさんの人が温かさと熱を体に感じることで、神様の表れを感じることができました。 ある警察官は、私の差し出した冊子を受け取りはしませんでしたが、共に祈り、主を受け入れました。それにより、見ていた人は、全ての神の子はジーザスを必要としていると気づくことができました |
We met a very amiable Japanese gentleman who told us that he did not believe in God, but was willing to let us pray for him because of problems with his left lung. After praying for him, he thanked us very much for his prayers. He said that he immediately began to breathe smoothly and feel much better. He said again and again: "Thank you, thank you!" We led him to accept Jesus. When we asked him who was in his heart, he was happy to tell us "Jesus!" How wonderful it is. Happy moments
我們遇到一位很可親的日本老先生,他告訴我們,他不信上帝,但願意讓我們為他祈禱,因為他的左肺有問題。在為他禱告後,他非常感謝我們的祈禱,他表示,他立即開始可以順暢地呼吸和感覺好多了。他再三地說:「謝謝你、謝謝你!」我們並帶領他接受了耶穌,當我們問他是誰進入了他的心中時,他很高興地告訴我們「是耶穌!」那是個多麼美好而快樂的時刻啊 |
A photographer for a Christian Newspaper followed me around for a few hours . We prayed and healed different people we had met. This is the article that was published in Japanese.
一位基督時報的攝影師跟在我身邊拍了幾個小時. 我們以禱告來醫治遇到的一些人. 這篇是在日本報紙上的報導